


Marketing and the main stages of its development. Principles, tasks, functions and types of marketing. Marketing Information Support. Marketing Structure and Marketing Software Management Organization. Strategic and tactical planning, marketing control. Market research and forecast. Identify the target market. Brand and brand policy. Pricing and pricing policies. Sales Policy. Communication policy.


Water Management

Subject, content, goals and objectives of water science. Objectives and objectives of production management, laws and principles. Management process, goals and functions. Organizational structure of management. Methods of determining the effectiveness of management decisions and how to make them.

Water management infrastructure. Features of water system management. Management of labor processes in the water industry. Personnel system in the water industry. Financing of water management organizations. Design, construction and operation of water bodies. Scientific and technical development and quality management in water management. Management efficiency in water management.


Agriculture Economics and Management

Water resources and their use in the national economy. Measures to convert the use of water management systems to a basin method and to improve their economic efficiency. Personnel, labor productivity and wages in the water industry. Fixed assets and working capital of land reclamation and water resources. Application of market systems relations in water utilities. Subject, content and tasks of management science. Laws, principles, functions and management methods. Management decisions and how to make them. Culture and management style. Management efficiency in water management.


Economics and management in water management

Water management complex. Fixed assets and working capital of water management enterprises. Organization of labor and wages in the water industry. Production costs, cost and valuation in water management. Financing of water management enterprises. Cost-effectiveness of land reclamation investments.

To know the rational organization and management of water resources, the improvement of organizational structures, decision-making technology, the use of management methods depending on the situation. Study of modern methods of water resources management, art and culture, ways of development of skills and talents of managers


Industry Economics and Management

Subject, methods and tasks of the subject "Economics and management in industry." Agrarian economic reforms and their main directions. Market and market relations in agriculture and water. Placement and specialization of agricultural and water production. Agricultural resources and their effective use. Land and water resources and their effective use. Agricultural material and technical resources. Labour resources and productivity in agriculture. Fixed assets and working capital of agriculture. Intensification of production and scientific and technological progress. Intensification of agriculture. Investment and investment activities in agriculture. Innovation and innovation in agriculture. Production costs and costs of agricultural products. System of prices for agricultural products. Economic efficiency of agricultural production. Gross agricultural and commodity production, expanded reproduction. Theoretical foundations of management. Elements of organization and management of economic entities in agriculture. Agricultural management system and organizational forms of management. Functions and principles of management in agriculture. Management methods. Personnel management in agriculture. Labor process management and management decisions in agriculture. Management style, conflict and stress management. Risk management in agriculture. Agribusiness management.


Personnel management

Personnel and human resources management. Work and cocktail market.

Human factor in the formation of enterprises and organizations. Strategy of personnel management of enterprises and organizations. Human resources management in enterprises and organizations. Career management in enterprises and organizations. Management of professional development of employees of enterprises and organizations. Social development of enterprises and organizations is the basis of personnel management. Management of personnel behavior in enterprises and organizations.


Practical management

Goals and objectives of the subject of applied management science, the role of practical management in the management of the production process, Management functions and methods as the main tool of the practical approach. Personnel, decision-making and operational management in the organization of practical management activities


Quality Management

The main content of the concepts of quality and quality management. Definition of competitiveness and competitiveness of products. Basic methods of quality management. Classification of quality indicators

Quality indicators of goods and services and methods of its determination. Quality management in enterprises. System approach to quality management

Certification of standards, products and services. Consumer protection.


Corporate management

Subject and content of the subject of corporate governance. Content and history of corporate governance principles. Corporate culture: formation, content and essence

Foreign models of corporate governance and their forms. Institutional foundations of corporate governance and the main stages of recovery in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Concept of Building a National Corporate Governance Model

Corporate disputes. Corporate governance challenges and development prospects

Assess the effectiveness of corporate governance


Strategic Management

Strategic Management and Management Process. Tasks of strategy creation. Analysis of the general situation in the industry and competition in it. Analysis of the state of the company.

Strategy and competitive advantage. Competitive forces and reasons for changing their composition. Adapt your marketing strategy to your current situation. Corporate diversification strategies. Strategic analysis of diversified companies. Implement strategy in companies.



The concept, content and objectives of logistics science. Logistics functions. Material flow and logistics activities. Logistics system. Logistics equipment methodology. Logistics functional environment. Procurement logistics. Production logistics. Distribution logistics. Transport logistics. Information logistics. Reserves in logistics. Logistics warehouses. Logistics Service. Improvement of manufacturer sales system based on logistics concept.


Innovative management in water management

Innovation is an object of innovation management. State support for innovation. Selection of the innovative project implementation method. Innovation project: the main stages of creation and implementation. Methods for determining the cost-effectiveness of investments in irrigation and land reclamation. Methods and effectiveness of determining investments in irrigated land rehabilitation. Innovative management. Choosing an innovative strategy. Human resources management in scientific organizations. Analysis of demand for scientific and technical products


Social management

Social management is a culture of management of the late twentieth and early 21st centuries. Social policy is a universal technology for the implementation of management. Formation of the subject "Social Management." Laws and principles of social governance. Methods of social management. The basis for improving the effectiveness of scientific methods of social management. Social management system.

Organizational relations in social management. Social resources, how to implement them. Motivational resource in social management. Social self-government. Social engineering is a tool of social management.


Innovative management and marketing

State support for innovation. Selection of the innovative project implementation method. Innovation project: the main stages of creation and implementation. Principles, tasks, functions and types of marketing. Marketing Information Support. Marketing Structure and Marketing Software Management Organization.


Ecological management

Subject, research methods and tasks of "Environmental Management." The role of environmental management in the general theory of management and its main features. Evolution of environmental management tools. Structure of environmental management tools and their characteristics. Structure of environmental management tools and their characteristics. Demonstration of general environmental and general management laws in environmental management. General and private laws and principles of environmental management. The main tools of environmental management and their classification. Environmental monitoring. Organizational structure of environmental and environmental management bodies. Environmental management of enterprises. Strategic environmental management.


Economics and management

Water resources and their use in the national economy. Measures to convert the use of water management systems to a basin method and to improve their economic efficiency. Personnel in the water industry, labor productivity and wages. Fixed assets and working capital of land reclamation and water resources. Application of market systems relations in water utilities. Subject, content and tasks of management science. Laws, principles, functions and management methods. Management decisions and how to make them. Culture and management style. Management efficiency in water management.


Management Psychology

Historical stages of psychology and management practices in irrigated agriculture. Harnessing the potential of spirituality and mentality in governance. Peculiarities of the spheres of activity of water management organizations and management. Using the potential of psychology in solving existing problems. Manifestation of individual (psychological) personality characteristics in business and management. Basic rules and features of management psychology



Content, essence, subject and tasks of management science. Management theory and practice. Management system and situational approach. Governance laws and principles. Management process and purpose. Management functions. Organizational structure of management. Management Methods

Information and communication in the management process. Decision-making in management. Management style and culture. Entrepreneurship and business in the management system. Management management and scientific approach.




Content, Essence, Subject and Objectives of Management Marketing Science, System and Situational Approach to Management, Governance Laws and Principles, Governance Process and Purpose, Governance Functions, Organizational Management Structure, Management Methods, Management Decision-Making, Management Decision-Making, Culture Style and Efficiency Management, Marketing Concept, Market Conditions, Demand, Market Supply and Capacity, Market Segmentation and Characteristics, Price System and Market Price Types in Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Competition and Marketing, Marketing Organization and Control


IT Management

Managers: Key to IT Results

Strategic planning

Project Management

Business Processes and IT Outsourcing

Enterprise and Information Technology Management

Collaboration Tools


Enterprise Systems

Business Intelligence and Big Data

Knowledge management

Cybercrime and IT Security

Ethical, legal and social issues of information technology


Land use management

What is a plot on Earth?

Land problem

Global trends in land management

Land use approach

Land tenure

Land tenure

Immovable and movable goods

Land administration

Land registration

Mutations in land information

Land value

Determination of land value



System management theory

Control system. Management organization. Functional management. Target management. HR management. Business component as the foundation of human resources management. Development of the entrepreneurial component. Developing entrepreneurial skills to optimize personal results. Efficient management. Globalization of labour and management processes.


Consumer Psychology

Market segmentation and demographic analysis. "Consumer behavior" as a science. Global consumer markets: structure and strategy. Understanding and finding needs. Rate the option before you buy. Purchases and decisions made. Expense, meeting needs, freedom from used products.

Individual differences. Environmental impact. Marketing strategy and moral responsibility.


Marketing Research Methods

Organization of marketing research. Marketing research processes and planning. Identify a problem in marketing research. Classification and types of marketing research. Methods of information collection in marketing information systems and marketing research. Methodology of analysis in marketing research: principles and methods. Survey methods and surveys. draw up a questionnaire and conduct questions. focus group. Surveillance methods in marketing research. Study of market segmentation and consumer behavior. Organization of marketing research on the Internet. Measuring and scaling in marketing research. Causal marketing research: experiment (experiment). Correlation and regression analyses. Preparation and presentation of marketing research reports


Strategic Marketing

Enterprise Marketing Role, Marketing & Satisfaction, Market Segmentation Needs Analysis, Market Attractiveness Analysis, Firm Competitive Analysis, Marketing Strategy Selection, New Product Development, Strategic Channel Solutions, Strategic Pricing Solutions, Communications Strategic Solutions, Strategic Marketing Plan.


Management Research Methods

Research methods for managers, research methods for business and management


human resources management

Goals and objectives of operational management science

Operating strategy of the company and

Scheduling and Production Control

Scheduling and Project Management

Quality Management and Benchmarking

Planning and forecasting

Build an operating system and deploy production capacity. Production Resource Management

Simulation of the operational control system

Operating Principles and Process Improvement

Operational consulting


human resources management

Impact of international economic integration on the development of foreign entrepreneurship. Characteristics of the management style (style) depending on the country in which the company operates. Personnel policy in international business. Human resources in the international management system. Office of International Business Ethics and Requirements for an International Relations Manager.


Marketing of innovative projects

The purpose of teaching the subject is to give masters new scientific and theoretical knowledge about the essence and content of marketing innovative projects, methodological recommendations, the specifics of innovative marketing, the main stages of development, forms, types and methods and means of its implementation, conceptual directions of innovative marketing. consists of training. The purpose of teaching the subject - date masters new scientific and theoretical knowledge about the essence and content of marketing innovative projects, methodological recommendations, the specifics of innovative marketing, the main stages and innovations of development, the development formation consists of training.


human resources management

Organization of enterprises

Human Resources Management

Enterprise HR Strategy

Management of company career and employee promotion

Social development of the enterprise - the basis of personnel management,

HR Innovation Management

Ethics of Employment Relations in Human Resources Management

Resolving Conflicts and Stresses in Human Resources Management

Enterprise Personnel Safety Management

Management Personnel Organization

Management of personnel behavior in enterprises


Advertising Theory and Practice

Subject, method and tasks "Advertising and PR"

Stages of advertising development

Social and psychological aspects of advertising

Advertising - Marketing as a Means of Communication

Advertising Distribution Tools

Advertising design and image


Promotional texts, ads and links

basics of preparation

Retail Advertising

to establish

Organization of advertising activities at wholesale enterprises

Organization of advertising activities at industrial enterprises

Advertising Campaign Organization

Advertising activities in the market of goods and services

Advertising Efficiency

Public relations in the system of public relations

Organization of public relations activities

Effectiveness of public relations activities

International advertising


Strategic management in water management

Subject "Strategic Management in Water Management" and Management Process.

Tasks of strategy creation.

Analysis of the general situation in the industry and competition in it.

Analysis of the state of the company.

Strategy and competitive advantage.

Competitive forces and reasons for changing their composition.

Adapt your marketing strategy to your current situation.

Corporate diversification strategies.

Strategic analysis of diversified companies.

Implement strategy in companies.



General Marketing Concept

Agromarketing Concept

General economic factors affecting marketing activities in agriculture. Strategic directions of agrarian policy. Market classification for agribusiness marketing environment. Demand for agricultural markets. Supply of agri-food products Agricultural price features Agricultural risk management and agro-insurance



The concept, content and objectives of logistics science. Logistics functions. Material flow and logistics activities. Logistics system. Logistics equipment methodology. Logistics functional environment. Procurement logistics. Production logistics. Distribution logistics. Transport logistics. Information logistics. Reserves in logistics. Logistics warehouses. Logistics Service. Improvement of manufacturer sales system based on logistics concept.



Subject, content and tasks of the subject "Electronic Marketing." Electronic marketing package. Features and structure of the electronic market. Marketing research and the Internet. Legal and ethical aspects of e-marketing. Data storage and processing technologies. How to work on the Internet. Site creation technologies.


Marketing management

The essence and content of marketing management, the stages of marketing management, product channel management, product, price management, sales and communication processes. analysis of market opportunities, choice of a target segment, realization of marketing events, management of a brand, brand and packing, definition of the communication purposes. wholesale and retail channel management, marketing information management and market demand assessment, consumer engagement and retention, product supply positioning.


international marketing

Theoretical foundations of international marketing. International marketing environment. International Marketing Information System. Analytical function in international marketing. Practice and methods of organization of marketing research in the international market. International marketing strategies. Brand and brand policy in the international marketing system. Pricing in the international marketing, pricing, the price policy. Create an international market-oriented marketing service. International trade agreements. Orientation of goods to the international market. Marketing Communications and Sales Promotion System