The department has partnership and contractual relations with AL and PC such as the Tashkent College of Economics and Business, Chingeldy College of Household Economy. The partnership process reflects the characteristics of partnership contractual relations and discussions of open lessons of the faculty. In 2019, the Department of Economics of Water Management drew up agreements with professional colleges for land reclamation and water management in Bandikhon, Kizirik District, Surkhandarya Region, and Kumkurgan Agricultural College for vocational guidance and attraction for admission to the university. Also, the faculty of the department as a practical aid and visual aid provided electronic versions of all educational and methodological complexes of scientific economic disciplines, in addition, electronic versions of textbooks and textbooks. The plan of the department includes all work on partnerships with lyceums and professional colleges, their results are periodically discussed at meetings of the department and drawn up by the relevant protocols