One of the priority areas for the development of agriculture, an important sector of the economy of Uzbekistan, is to saturate the domestic market with food products, achieve self-sufficiency in the field of their production and ensure food security. The effective implementation of these tasks made it possible to solve such acute social issues as employment of the population, increasing its well-being, and improvement of cities and villages.

Along with this, in recent years, the Department of Economics has been conducting its scientific and educational activities in accordance with the research plan of our institute, which was developed on the basis of the law "National Program for the Training of Personnel." In this regard, the teaching staff of the department work hard to educate, improve their horizons and scientific and creative perception in accordance with skills and practice in the sectors of agriculture and water management.

The department conducts its research activities in accordance with the approved plan, work program and annual work schedule.

In 2019, research was carried out on the topic “Organizational and Economic Basics of the Use of Water Resources in Irrigated Agriculture”.

In 2019, the department conducted research and achieved the following results.

As a result of the work of the joint innovation group, the department won the following grant projects:

Designed for 2018-2020, PP - 2017092929209 “Formation and development of PPP in agriculture and water management in the context of modernization of the agricultural sector” (Project Manager, Doctor of Economics, Professor Umurzakov U.P.) 150 million were allocated for the implementation of this practical project sum in 2018.

Designed for 2018-2020, PZ-2017092929275 “Improving the organizational and economic foundations of the development of the fishing industry to improve the food security of the country” (project manager Ph.D., associate professor U.Sangirova) 100 million soums were allocated for the implementation of this practical project in 2018.

The partner in the implementation of these practical projects is the Agricultural Research Institute.

Carrying out and obtaining results when conducting scientific and practical work at the expense of state budget funds

In 2019, according to the research plan, the following works were carried out at the expense of state budget funds: “Organizational and economic foundations of cooperation in the field of fruit and vegetable sales” (Head Associate Professor S. Umarov), this project is designed for 2019-2021 and 5 professors and 2 students of the faculty.

“Prospects for the development of the fish farming industry in ensuring food security of the country” (Head Associate Professor U.Sangirova) this project is designed for 2018-2020 8 professors, teachers and 1 student of the faculty.

Work performed on foreign grants

In 2018, according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 22, 2017 “On measures to carry out measures to strengthen the material and technical base of universities with the participation of the International Development Association” PK-2848 and approved by the Order on Academic Innovation Grants, a project was developed jointly with the IAMO Research Institute of Germany and stands on implementation phase on the subject of "Creating an interdisciplinary laboratory" Agricultural Innovations and Resources. " Training seminars and other courses are held in accordance with the specifics of the project.

The effectiveness of the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel

In 2019, the doctoral candidate I. Yunusov put up his dissertation on the topic 08.00.04- “Agricultural Economics” under the guidance of Professor U. Umumrzakov on the subject “Organizational basis for the development of the fish farming industry in ensuring the food security of the country.” Also planned at the department protection of research S. Murodov.

At the department, specialty 08.00.04- “Economics of Agriculture” 3 research doctoral students (M. Rakhmataliev and S. Eshmatov) conduct their research activities. Their supervisors are 2 doctors of sciences, professors (U. Umurzakov, S. Umarov). All topics of research work of supporting doctoral students are approved by the Scientific Council.

Research plan

Organizational and economic basis for the development of cooperation in the field of sales of fruits and vegetables (Head teacher S. Murodov). The topics of these projects are planned to be carried out on the basis of state budget funds.

The participation of students and young scientists in research

The department conducts research along with gifted students of the faculty based on the principle of “Pupil-mentor” according to the order of the rector No. 273 a / f.

At the department there is a circle under the name "Economist" - which includes 14 gifted students. Also, these students conduct their research work. They are led by leading professors and teachers of the department: Doctor of Economics, Professor., U.P. Umurzakov, Ph.D., Professor., A. Sultonov, Ph.D. U. Sangirova, Associate Professor, S. Ismailova Ph.D., Associate Professor, N. Abdurazzakova Ph.D., Associate Professor, Doctor of Economics, S. Umarov, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, G. Dustmuratov and other

The following talented students, led by faculty members, achieved results:

In 2019, a student of the “Economics” direction Hafizov Bunyod (the head is Associate Professor U.Sangirova) received a state scholarship from the President of the country.

Certificate of partnership with other research institutes of the Academy of Sciences, institutes and organizations

The Department of Economics has partnership agreements with a number of organizations, namely, the Research Institute of Agriculture, the Tashkent Regional Department of Agriculture and Water Management, the Office of Irrigation Systems Buz-Suv, the Department of Basin Irrigation Systems Chirchik-Ohangaron, the Department of Basin Irrigation Systems Amu-Surkhon and Amu -Қashқadarya. According to them, 4 innovative groups were organized, in which 11 professors and teachers, 22 representatives of enterprises, 3 large-scale research workers, 4 gifted students. Scientific and technical problems of enterprises are considered in 7 term papers, 4 WRCs, 1 doctoral dissertations.