Name of the subject


Brief information about the subject



Economic theory


The main objective of the subject is to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge of the functioning mechanism of the modern market economy, the study of economic activity of economic subjects of the market, macroeconomic aspects of the development of national economy, as well as the development of the world market and main modern forms of international economic relations, globalization of the world economy and integration of Uzbekistan to the world community, to develop the level of their perception.



The purpose of the course is to generalize and present systematic knowledge on macroeconomic indicators, analyze macroprocesses, and study the scientific, theoretical and methodological approaches to macroeconomic regulation in the Republic of Uzbekistan. In addition, the goal of the course is the formation of students' economic thinking.




The main objective of the subject is to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge about the functioning mechanism of a modern market economy, studying the economic activities of economic subjects of the market, and developing their level of perception.



Labor Economics


The goal of the course is to understand the basic economic phenomena associated with human labor in production and maintenance in modern conditions, the theory and practical foundations of the concept of human development, a detailed study of current scientific and practical approaches to assessing and monitoring the main trends of sustainable human development in the world and in Country.